
Monday, July 20, 2009

drinking problem

With the exception of cold turkey I have tried every special cup and technique to transition our 2 1/2 year old, away from the bottle . Presently his favorite and only way to chill out before bed: a cold bottle of milk while watching a baby einstein video and rubbing his own head. Okay, Okay, so he likes a bottle first thing in the morning and before his nap too. But, because he demands so little, I have been unable to deny him this comfort . I am weak. Are weak and sensitive the same? Are they somehow linked? For some reason,my inability to seize the bottle reminds me of Chinese women of not so long ago, who, after breaking the feet of their infant daughters with a rock, would bind them tightly to insure marriageability.To my unborn Chinese daughters,I apologize, you would not have fared well under my care. Since in my need to be overly sensitive to you, I would have doomed you to unconscionably large feet. For those of you who know me, you may have originally thought this entry would detail another sort of drinking problem. For the record, I never had a drinking problem. I just had a multitude of problems which fed an urge to drink. And voila! Less problems, less drinking. Actually no drinking with still just a few issues. Far greater and long lasting is the hangover than the buzz. I do,however miss getting drunk and out of control with friends and my husband.

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