
Monday, January 4, 2010

1st Place AW(kw)ARD

Thank you SO much Mommywords for nominating I'm Just Sayin'.... for the I LOVE YOUR BLOG AWARD!!  I believe that in your last 45 seconds of pregnancy that sleep deprivation and hormones have teamed up with your generosity to honor me this way.  With no intent to question the perception  of  Blogging Goddess, Master Organizer, Uber-creative DIY Diva, and dear friend, I googled award protocol and restrictions. Nowhere did it mention that fucktards were to be actively included or excluded.  So, it is with equal uncertainty and honor that I accept the terms and conditions of this nomination.  With that said,  I do love it and thank you for nominating my blog. With this great honor comes  a greater  responsibility: to advance the quality and content of my postings. Shouldn't be too difficult, right?

Additionally, protocol dictates that I share the love with 7 others. Some of my faves were just nominated by Brit, so I am not sure it would be right to second the nomination (and double the workload).  But without these bloggy friends, my bloggy life would be far less meaningful:  Michelle@Finding Trinity, Nancy@ifevolutionworks, Laura@Vodka Logic, and the not so UnknownMami.  My latest bloggy crush is on a man-blogger reporting details of life as Dad to 3 boys and husband to Lauren the SuperStudHeroWife. Saying "man blogger" reminds me of "male-nurse" from Meet the Parents.  Anyway, Bill @PoopandBoogies:  I Love Your Blog and if you wish, feel free to accept this as an informal and unbinding nomination. I am "formally" nominating the following blogs that keep me coming back for more (in order of most recent postings):
EmmyMom- One Day At A Time What a sweet little Mormon you are.  So crafty,cool, and wholesome with a great sense of humor.  You really hooked me with that clever Holiday Letter.  What I love most is that you allow me to visit and comment  in spite of my evident and undeniable heathen ways.  Thanks Emmy.  I Love Your Blog.

Spawnocalypse I am not sure how I came across this gem.  Deb has the magical dry understated way of detailing the simple and extraordinary  in a way that you cannot help but FEEL (laughter, tenderness, whatever) and return for more.  Athletic, brilliant, humble, doting mom will charm anyone passing through.

Honeypiehorse@ Our Feet Are The Same
You even have the best commentors. Sharp, stylish, funnier than shit.  Well informed.  Goddess. Are you sure it is ok that I share the blogosphere with you?

Lynn @S3XinthePantry
Lynn loves to make out and romp with her man more than anything else.  It really is unbelievable that she has 3 kids and a full time job and a sex drive like this.  I want to be her when I grow up. I want sweet Andy to get as much lovin' as her William does.

SubMom@SecretInnerLife Genius. So freaking hilarious,sharp, and well informed.  You would be missing out if you did not get to know her.  Great bloggy friend and stellar writer with badass humor and edge.  I want so badly to stereotype and pigeonhole people, but Lin, you are just so un-Chinese.  You really threw me for a loop when you revealed your family's homeland.

Welcome To The Momplex
Jenny so sweet and ladylike.  You cleverly and sparingly manage vulgarity when necessary.    Please check her out.

Bugginword I found EllyLou through Submom.  What a crackup.  A very multi-faceted crackup. Shortly after pegging her as a smartass who likes to say fuck(major selling points for me) I discovered a deep and sentimental post of hers.  Just when you think you know a person! But mostly, she is a smartass  with a multitude of words(in addition to fuck),sentence structures, and content.

A Vapid Blonde
I found VB on The Blogess or maybe she found me.  Either way, score.  I look forward to her comments as much as I do her posts. Still getting to know her and hope you will do the same.

Additional responsibility includes nominating seven blogs for this award. And, once you receive this award, the rules are as follows:

1) Add the logo of the award to your blog.

2) Add a link to the person who awarded it to you (as shown above).

3) Nominate at least seven other blogs.

4) Add links to those blogs on your blog.

5) Leave a message for your nominees on their blogs.
Thanks again to Mommywords for this chainletter award.


  1. Well thank you! I am glad you like my blog and I have a good laugh at your heathen ways ;)

  2. Congratulations on your award!!! Thank you for the very flattering words. I am honored. Now about all that flattery... I already said Yes to the threesome you proposed. Now stop it. You are making me blush.

  3. Congratulations on the award, I love being in good blog company such as yours and the others.. now to do my award posting.

  4. Well that may be the nicest thing anyone ever said about me. Thank you and I accept on behalf of myself and my superior commentors.

  5. Thank you very much! I must tell you, I have never in my life been called sweet or ladylike! I'm feeling quite pert now. Truth be known, my mom is a regular reader of my blog, and I just can't pull off the Kathy Griffin thing with her. And if I wasn't working on a book with a conservative Christian woman who also regularly stops by, today's entry would be all about Egyptian Goggles. Maybe I'll branch out...

  6. Hey...Are you calling me a Focker?

    Male blogger...that is funny.

    Thanks for the compliment and nod of confidence.

  7. I'm totally doing the running man in celebration. WOOT!

  8. I know the first set of 3 very, very well. Excellent choices. The others I don't know. Congratulations on your award!

  9. And my bloggy world would be less with out you and you fab comments. You make me blush..

    So come visit and collect the award i have given you :)

  10. ward posts are hard babe I know. They actually make you think...and that sucks. As fgar as making our posts any better - well crap that was not officially on my list (shorter was) so it may have to wait until next year. You deserve the award and you are not a fucktard. I do not bestow awards upon them. I am really picky you know!

  11. Thanks SOOO much for your kind words--and congratulations on your well-deserved award.

    I look forward to reading the other blogs you listed and passing the honor along.

  12. Um... did you forget someone? :)

    ps: Congrats!

  13. Thanks Rox, I did forget someone. Sorry Jenners;)

  14. You are awesome and people are bound to notice.

  15. Congrats on the award! (And for following the award rules. That makes you even more awesome, because some of us never get that part right.)

  16. AWWWEEEE...I missed this some how...what the hell! Thank you soooo sooo sooo much. I am totall going to work on this right after I crack open my humongous bottle of chopin this weekend! You Rock!

  17. Bottle cracked open and realizing I can't spell worth a damn!

  18. Wow... thank you soo much.
    And Congrats on your award. A beautiful Chinook blew in today ~ I've been thinking about you all day!!!!

  19. What is up with everyone and the awards. Shit...well congrats on getting one but that award is all heartsy. Goes against my religion... (just jealous).. Great blog


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